Anyone seen this before? Looks like an ARA/Antifa affiliate post. Published in January at La Indy, but sounds like a local: run by "radical" scammers
by anonymous Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015 at 4:21 PM
taking readers for a ride since the WTC protests.
Being fair, when Indymedia started it wasn't a hive or retched right-wing conspiracy villainy. But it was set up to welcome that hive and tolerate it because of "free speech". Old archives into compost of the Portland indymedia newswire show many articles by antifascists composted for no reason. - Compost - Shut down the racist IMCs (insurrectionary response)
5754 - Compost - Shut down the racist IMCs (insurrectionary response)
5752 - Compost - Shut down the racist IMCs (insurrectionary response)
5751 - Compost - Shut down the racist IMCs (insurrectionary response)
5750 - Compost - Shut down the racist IMCs (insurrectionary response)
5676 - Duplicate - Volksfront's REAL REASON on Indymedia
5675 - Compost - Volksfront's REAL REASON on Indymedia
The fact they remain composted proves ara bees either never knew or were outvoted by the so called collective.
These "collectives" are more like jury rigged kangaroo courts. Like the work coops, they sound like a good thing, but are easily hijacked by closet operatives from the right for several reasons:
1. the right has learned to blend. Grow a beard, throw on tie dye and talk about free speech, and no one will suspect the individual is a closet Nazi. For instance Tim Calvert in Portland, Oregon got away with bringing racist speakers and running conspiracy email lists for years with this formula. they out right lie. Boldly and often. "I'm not a Holocaust Denier," one will say, while admitting friendship with Holocaust Deniers. When called out, they'll hide behind defending "free speech". If someone asks about concerns, they'll suggest COINTELPRO agents at work.
3. Other pretend to be dumb, going so far as the claim to fight fascist while actually sharing information about real leftists and anti racists with the same fascists they claim to fight.
They can operate in a bubble of plausible deniability for years or decades. If someone gets suspicions they'll try to gaslight or create drama as a distraction.
The reason this has worked is the left as a group has been too fucking naive about
a: calling out fascist bullshit
b: knowing what real activists look like
Real activists don't scream and shout in the streets like Woodstock refugees, until they've exhausted all other options. Real activists first try to get shit done work with resources in the community. After a decade, if shit isn't getting have to question either the cause or the activists.
People claiming to be full time activists are almost always frauds. No one whose really part of the working class can afford to be a "full time" activist at anything.
Don't believe apologists who try to shame people into getting involved with the scam. There is no way to fix a fraud by "getting involved". The only way to fix it is to shut down the operation.
Why do they do it? No, they are not government "shills" or agents. That is conspiracy propaganda the right desperately needs to cover it's tracks. If they can convince people "agents" are out to get them, people are more likely to believe the fake activism is real. Otherwise, why the agents? It's like how Jews are blamed to hide the real culprits the greedy and rich.
The reason why the fringe right fakes go to such an effort cultivating the radical left, making alliances, having interviews and photo ops with other "radical" celebrities, is because the fringe racist right is dying. Not even FOX will listen to them. They need a place to spread their message and recruit under cover. Indymedia has long since been that place, open, free of charge and free of consequences. Once having the trust of the "collective", they manipulate their way into control.
It's so bad the DC wire was taken over by a Nazi with no complaint. The Seattle wire collapsed as did Huston. The US based newwires are either the victims of cyberquatting or have been shut down by members who recognized they could no longer be productive even if they didn't know why. ARA/Antfa networks are justifiable baffled at the situation and many have abandoned the IMC network as a platform. Meanwhile, attempts to coop ARA/Antifa and neutralize them from within continue from the Big L libertarian right.
An example of the problem is Mike Tabor aka Joe Anybody aka Ben Waiting. He's promoted himself as a full time activist, a radical among radicals, and embedded himself in the lefty alternative media cluster of Portland , Oregon for years. These outlets have their own problems, being at least as bad as the incestuous network of cronyism they accuse the mainstream media of. Some do this at taxpayer expense, hiding financial fraud, deceptive business practices and witch-hunting whisleblowers as "free speech". The media in question: The Portland Alliance, KBOO radio, and the Skanner, have all to one extent or any other been penetrated by the same reactionary right politics, associations and tactics as the people now running Portland Indymedia. They all are aware of "Joe Anybody", who is also a friend of Tim Calvert, activities helping organize and video tape speaking engagements by Nazi sympathizers. has removed most of the videos. Private copies remain. Joe Anybody's friend and fellow conspiracy group member Tm Titrud, a homophobe and Holocaust denier, introduces Naziphile Christopher Bollyn here:
It's unclear who recorded the event or if Joe was in attendance, but Joe Anybody does promote Christopher Bollyn on his website: is also rumored both these individuals have participated on email lists with the intent of recruiting leftists by lying about the nature of their groups and associations.
Frauds will try to have it both ways. They will claim to be experts at exposing government conspiracies and use great injustices to hide what they are. For instance, the "Joe Anybody" person admits that 911 conspiracies are why he got into politics:"Old School Z3 Readers will know that 911 Truth was where it all began for me and getting active in Politics. I smelled a rat when i started to look into how and why 911 happened."
As was noted in a deleted comment on Portland Indymedia, it's strange this intrepid full time activist couldn't figure out all the propaganda about "911 truth" originated from the radical right, and was therefore all horseshit. of a forum with real left radicals punks the idea as crazy woo soundly:;Comment number nine is worth noting:
"I voted for 3, as it is the least crazed option. But in my opinion, the real issue is missing:
4. That's what you get when you mess with too much people at the same time, making more enemies than you are able to deal with."
Something Joe's buddies didn't count on when they rolled out the welcome mat for David Irving and Christopher Bollyn.
Joe pretended he don't know what antisemitism is and don't know the Calvert guy he worked with for years is a Holocaust denier. Joe Anybody can't do basic research but is supposed to be a credible source of news on Indymedia. The more likely explanation, especially since all his conspiracy crap is still promoted at his website visitor IPS are logged)
is Joe knows he's pushing reactionary Tea Bagger friendly bullshit, because he's in sympathy with right reactionaries and doesn't care if they are Nazi lovers.
Joe Anybody is a problem because all evidence points to him being a collaborator and friend of Nazi sleazebags. And he's in charge of the Portland Indy newswire or at least has undue influence over it. To understand exactly how slimy this trashbag is, watch the video he made trying to convince members of Anonymous to out themselves during a protest against Scientology,: is the strategy of the radical right on Indymedia in a nutshell:
- identify real activists,
-get their trust
-out them to Nazi/racist friends, blaming it on "government shills" is a plus
-co-op cause/platform or shut it down.
Don't believe it? This is what killed Occupy before it got off the ground. analysis above blames mainstream leftists, but it is because mainstream leftism is so toothless it can be coopted and mimicked so easily. Fuckers like Joe Anybody and Calvert can't pull their flimflam on the real working class/radical left. They'd be beaten up. (Which is not what we're calling for, just a statement of fact.) The fake "radical left" festering under the Indymedia banner is so concerned about tolerance, they tolerate obvious antisemites who deny what they are.
These guys are very convincing BECAUSE CON ARTISTS ARE NICE PEOPLE. That's how they con.
Messages like this will continue intermittently until the fraud based fake alternative press and affiliates in the USA using IMC wires as networking for closet fascists are SHUT DOWN.