Remember when Matt egged on Theresa Mitchell outing KB on Portland Indymedia? The stunt TM had to apologize for?
He's at it again, making snide comments on PIMC:"Wow 01.Oct.2019 17:56
Matt link
What a sore loser. "
He seems to be implying anyone not supporting TM is a "sore loser". But it makes no sense in context of teh comments that are more confused by the info black out/changing tales than "sore":
"Ghost Trooper Theresa Mitchell strikes again! 28.Sep.2019 08:31
okkayyy link
How many lies and how many times did Theresa....who sounds a lot like the commenter above... change her story before the mob of gullible aging hippies who can't do simple Google searches were convinced Theresa was victimised enough to turn out to defend her?
This is like bragging about stealing candy from a baby.
First Theresa was outraged Ani Haines was being investigated after harassing a fellow employee. That was where the accusations of miss spent funds came from. She was also mad the investigation into misconduct wasn't transparent iow Theresa couldn't get info to harass the victim. Then they were taking over or some bullshit.
That was May.
Even the barely 580 sign petition clearly has people signing to REHIRE ANI.
When that failed to bring out the masses at the annual membership meeting Theresa CHANGED HER STORY and claimed to be bullied for be trans.
So yay you win because of 4 months of relentless lying to the membership.
And considering Theresa was elected without a quorum , this "win" might be shorter than you think.... "