Wow. Meeting minutes released as BOD is functioning (relative term) again. A lot can be gleaned.
First, this is commentary from one of the new interim co-managers (again, get co managers so no one is really in charge and only get them from within so they won't change anything that matters to those who don't want co change KBOO) ...
But, if anyone was curious about the mood at KBOO, read on ...
Jenna Y.: Currently the public affairs director, resigned. If I get appointed as a co-manager I will
I decided to resign because I don’t believe in working in a hostile work environment and I felt
exploited as POC or the work I was asked to do. I \inherited a position that has always had too
much work. I find that the talk and walk are different. We espouse progressive values. From a
staff perspective we should all get paid a living wage. Each full time staff have 2 jobs. They are
getting burned out. Why don’t we maintain POC on staff? How do we do it? The reality is, yes
we need to advertise to the communities but ultimately we need to provide a living wage. The
people who are going to apply are going to be people of privilege or really entry level. The level
of wage we pay shows that. Our previous public affair
I still think it’s hostile but not that the staff is mean to one another, but it’s about valuing us. Im
tired of seeing POC walking. We aren’t making conditions to make this happen. I’m hoping that
the community can really walk the walk. We need to make a living wage. Think how that is and
not just attending board meetings to join committees.
Yikes. And below might explain the "Thanksgiving fundraiser" ...
Budget Report+Decisions
Yearly Budget Report
95,000 operation loss
19,000 admin fees
10,892 legal fees
And below begs more questions than answers ...
Exec Session
● Staffing Issue Update
● Grievance
● Finance Issue
● Conflict Res: Member Kyle
● Staff Letter Re: Theresa
● Communication
Two other observations. TM of course put herself on the Nominating committee, which is how you make sure no one can run for BOD who you don't approve of. SOP for control of a non profit.
Then, the "not a selfie"
of Jenka and the previous discussions about Holocaust denial really push some buttons in yours truly. Jenka, who single handedly made sure there wasn't a Jewish public affairs program at KBOO, and who has pushed the modern "blood libel" stories onto KBOO's air. And TM palling around with Holocaust deniers. Nothing seems to change. Reminds me of the just barely concealed attitude I experienced while at the BOO. It's so confusing, so much hatred exists at KBOO. But then I remember an incident of anti-Semitism some years ago in Portland, and KBOO personalities fell all over themselves saying that they would stand up for the Jewish community. I laughed so hard I thought I would die, the people who in the name of free speech promote so much hate speech ... they are going to stand up against hatred. You can't make this stuff up.
Then I can't keep track of when KBOO and Antifa are friends, then they are enemies ... makes my head spin.